This is my second visit to Tai Tam Tuk Reservoir dam after last year. This time, after heavy raining for several days, there are more water overflowing from the reservoir and the scene is more splendid.

This is my second visit to Tai Tam Tuk Reservoir dam after last year. This time, after heavy raining for several days, there are more water overflowing from the reservoir and the scene is more splendid.
Bobby Lee · August 1, 2021 at 6:25 pm
Hello HM, may I ask where you have your film process! I am planning to restart my Linhof photography in the next couple of months! Thank you!
H M Lai · August 1, 2021 at 7:09 pm
Hello Bobby,
There are 2 places to for E6. One is Colorsix in Chaiwan and one is Megatoni Production.
I go to Megatoni recently as Colorsix says the E6 machine is down.