大坑西邨 Tai Hang Sai Estate
大坑西邨(英語:Tai Hang Sai Estate),為大坑西新邨的正式名稱,位於香港九龍深水埗區九龍塘石硤尾邨與大坑東邨之間的租住屋邨,邨內共有8座樓宇,由周啟謙建築師樓設計,除了民泰樓於1981年入伙外,其餘7座均於1965年落成。大坑西邨與一般香港公共屋邨有別,屬於「私人屋邨」,並非由香港房屋委員會或者香港房屋協會興建及管理,而是由香港平民屋宇有限公司興建及管理。
大坑西邨(英語:Tai Hang Sai Estate),為大坑西新邨的正式名稱,位於香港九龍深水埗區九龍塘石硤尾邨與大坑東邨之間的租住屋邨,邨內共有8座樓宇,由周啟謙建築師樓設計,除了民泰樓於1981年入伙外,其餘7座均於1965年落成。大坑西邨與一般香港公共屋邨有別,屬於「私人屋邨」,並非由香港房屋委員會或者香港房屋協會興建及管理,而是由香港平民屋宇有限公司興建及管理。
大館(英語:Tai Kwun),即舊中區警署(前稱中央警署;英語:Central Police Station,縮寫:CPS),位於香港中環荷李活道,曾經是香港警察總部及中區警署。中區警署現時已經遷至上環中港道中區警區總部毗連,原址連同前域多利監獄、前中央裁判司署的建築群現在是香港法定古蹟。2018年5月29日起正式對外開放,免費入場參觀。
Tai O is a fishing town, partly located on an island of the same name, on the western side of Lantau Island in Hong Kong. The village name means large inlet, referring to outlet for the waterways (Tai O Creek and Tai O River) merges as it moves through Tai O.
城門水塘(英語:Shing Mun Reservoir)是香港新界西南部的一個水塘,位於荃灣區城門谷一帶(城門郊野公園),為第一個把所儲存的水由新界區輸往港島區使用的水塘。為區別下城門水塘,城門水塘又稱為上城門水塘。亦因如此,廣義上,城門水塘是指上城門水塘及下城門水塘;而狹義上,城門水塘則是上城門水塘的真正名稱。由於興建時是正值英國國王佐治五世登基25年(1935年),上城門水塘亦名為銀禧水塘。由於整個城門水塘群剛好處於新界東與西的分界線上,上城門水塘被劃屬界線以西(屬荃灣區),下水塘則劃入界線以東(屬沙田區),所以,從廣義而言,城門水塘地既處新界西,亦處新界東。而貫穿兩地者便是1990年通車、同樣以該地地名「城門」命名的城門隧道,其共兩組隧道之間均以高架橋連接,並正正在下城門水塘和城門峽上方跨過。
南山邨(英語:Nam Shan Estate)是香港的一個公共屋邨,位於石硤尾和又一村之間,又稱大坑東,在香港城市大學、石硤尾公園、大坑東邨及大坑西邨附近。屋邨建於1975年,佔地逾5.25公頃,由8幢大廈組成的佈局非常特別,亦成為不少攝影人仕的好去處。
大生圍本為一整塊相連的漁塘群濕地,約於十多二十年前,政府為改善新界北的防洪設施, 以解決困擾該區多年的水浸問題,遂從 漁塘中挖出筆直的錦田河道,河的一邊是南生圍,另一邊就是大生圍,者皆可由錦田河道兩旁的路駕駛前往,感受愈來愈珍貴的傳統漁塘風情。由於環境優美,因此是個 郊遊 及 攝影的好去處 。
Central Market was a fresh food market in Central, Hong Kong. Located between Jubilee Street, Queen Victoria Street, Queen’s Road Central and Des Voeux Road Central, it was the first wet market in Hong Kong. By its side is the first public female toilet and first above-ground toilets in Hong Kong. It is one of two existing Bauhaus market buildings in Hong Kong, the other one being Wan Chai Market.
Waterfall Bay 瀑布灣 is a bay in Pok Fu Lam, Hong Kong Island, Hong Kong. Located on the East Lamma Channel off the coast of Wah Fu Estate and Cyberport at Telegraph Bay, it is named after the waterfall that flows into it. The fresh water from this waterfall is said to have given the city its name – the translation of Hong Kong’s name in Cantonese 香港 means “fragrant harbour”. An eponymous park is now situated around the area.
As part of the Tai Tam scheme, the colonial government commenced the construction of Tai Tam Tuk Reservoir in 1912, the project was completed in 1917, cost 2.46 million Hong Kong dollars and had a 1.42 – billion – gallon capacity upon completion. The dam, designed by Daniel Jaffe, was 60 feet tall and 800 feet wide, 12 arches supported by half round granite columns were also built to prop up the Tai Tam road connecting Stanley and Chai Wan. Governor Henry May officially announced the completion of the reservoir on 2nd February 1918 and the reservoir operates until now.
流浮山(英語:Lau Fau Shan)位於香港,靠近后海灣,以盛產海鮮聞名,但後來主要代表其西面數條鄉村較旺盛的地方
Pak Nai (Chinese: 白泥) is a wetland area, partly mud-bank, surrounded by mountain ranges, in the Yuen Long District of Hong Kong facing Deep Bay (aka. Shenzhen Bay). Pak Nai makes up the coastline as Sheung Pak Nai (上白泥) and Ha Pak Nai (下白泥) geographically.
流水響水塘(英語:Lau Shui Heung Reservoir),又作流水嚮水塘,位於香港新界北區東部的八仙嶺郊野公園之內,龍山東北一帶,處於粉嶺平原的東北端,建於1968年,屬船灣淡水湖工程計劃的一部分,負責將八仙嶺西北部的水源收集,經輸水隧道供應至船灣淡水湖,同時流水響水塘亦是灌溉水塘,用作灌溉附近農田。水塘面積約3.5公頃,容量約17萬立方米,混凝土主壩高24米、長54.9米;副壩高7.3米、長39米,水庫規模較小。
Lee Tung Avenue, Wanchai invited Victor Wong, an award-winning visual effects director, to create ‘Butterflies of Hope’, an AI-powered illuminating interactive art piece featuring butterflies.
Ma Tso Lung is a place when you see “old” and “new” in contrast. Previously, the place was a border between Hong Kong and China.
Since the outbreak of COVID-19 in Jan 2020, the life of Hong Kong people have been greatly affected. Many business have been affected and many shops have been closing due to no tourist and reduced consumption from local Hong Kong people. All people are mandatory to wear face mask in Read more…
Bride’s Pool (Chinese: 新娘潭) is a stream pool with several waterfalls in northeastern New Territories, Hong Kong near Tai Mei Tuk. Mirror Pool is also located nearby.
From Wikipedia: Cape D’Aguilar, or Hok Tsui, is a cape in the south of Shek O and D’Aguilar Peak on southeastern Hong Kong Island, Hong Kong. The peninsula, where the cape is on its southeastern side, is also known as Cape D’Aguilar. It is named after Major-General George Charles D’Aguilar. Read more…
From Wikipedia: As part of the Tai Tam scheme, the colonial government commenced the construction of Tai Tam Tuk Reservoir in 1912, the project was completed in 1917, cost 2.46 million Hong Kong dollars and had a 1.42 – billion – gallon capacity upon completion. The dam, designed by Daniel Jaffe, Read more…