大坑西邨 Tai Hang Sai Estate

大坑西邨(英語:Tai Hang Sai Estate),為大坑西新邨的正式名稱,位於香港九龍深水埗區九龍塘石硤尾邨與大坑東邨之間的租住屋邨,邨內共有8座樓宇,由周啟謙建築師樓設計,除了民泰樓於1981年入伙外,其餘7座均於1965年落成。大坑西邨與一般香港公共屋邨有別,屬於「私人屋邨」,並非由香港房屋委員會或者香港房屋協會興建及管理,而是由香港平民屋宇有限公司興建及管理。

中環街市 Central Market

Central Market was a fresh food market in Central, Hong Kong. Located between Jubilee Street, Queen Victoria Street, Queen’s Road Central and Des Voeux Road Central, it was the first wet market in Hong Kong. By its side is the first public female toilet and first above-ground toilets in Hong Kong. It is one of two existing Bauhaus market buildings in Hong Kong, the other one being Wan Chai Market.